Monthly Intercomp

On 7 oct we was held a monthly intercomp. this is the first our monthly intercomp but it was run succeed. we run 3 round in this intercomp, the first and second round is preliminary and the last round is the final round. In the first round we got this motion THBT  US should fund third world country for moving their citizen to mars. this motion is so complicated when the aff team said that US should fund because the damage on earth the most is caused by US company in every country ex: freeport in indonesia, exxon mobil etc that support an major environmental damage ex : global warming, etc. but the negative team said that this damage is caused by collective, we can't put US as the one country that should fund third word to moving their citizen to mars.

and then in the next round we got a motion THBT obama should lose nobel peace prize. this motion is also complicated to explain while the aff team said that yes obama should lose the nobel peace prize because he not include again in the criteria to be a person that should get nobel peace prize ex: obama attack syirian people with war and it will create third world war because behind the syiria case there's china and russia and then the negative said that no obama shouldn't lose his nobel peace prize because there's a soft way and hard way to maintance a conflict in this world the soft way is with diplomacy and the hard way is attack the problem in a conflict area with war and then maintain a peace can't be achieve with one person, he need another stakeholder to achive that purpose.

and the motion for final round is THW give death penalty to the highest corruption cases of the highest judges, governtment official and parliamentary members in indonesia.
it was an amazing motion in final round while the aff team tend to explained us about the mechanism how to give the death penalty it's self ex: directly shoot in their head, "so they can directly go to hell" said mr. muriece xixixxixi and also tend about deterrent effect that should be exist when this motion implement and then the negative team tend brought about the right of the corruptor it's self while they are gave a criteria of someone who deserve to get death penalty and tried to explain why  highest judges, governtment official and parliamentary not deserve to get death penalty.

so with a long long looooooooooong explanation from 8:00 pm until 4:00 pm we got the winner and best speaker here's jreeeeeeeeng jreeeeeeeeeeeeeng

the winner of 1st monthly intercomp ms Firdha and ms Rika :D
she is the best speaker on our 1st monthly intercomp ms Firdfha :D

finalist of 1st monthly intercomp :D

what are you doing sir? wkwkwkwk
ms ipeh as an adjudicator in that monthly intercomp :D she was graduated from our university then got SH (sarjana hukum) xixixi congratulation mam :D 

it was soooo great day.. hahaha see you in the next monthly intercomp ~

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