English Voice Olympic is one of the English Debating Club (EDC)
Untirta’s events proudly present The 3rd EVO 2014. The 3rd
EVO 2014 is compilation of scientific competition in linguistic field with
English as communicational media. The purpose of this event is to facilitate
participants in improving their skill and talents with sportive atmosphere
competition. To achieve the purpose, we present you The 3rd English
Voice Olympic 2014 (EVO) on November 14th – 16th2014 with
” Youth is the Voice of Future” as its theme.
EVO 2014 has 3 Competitions for high school student through Banten Province.
The purpose of this event is to facilitate participants in improving their
skill and talents with sportive atmosphere competition. The competitions are:
Debate, Speech and News Casting.
Debate is a competition
between debate teams from all over Banten, representing their high schools. The
system used in this competition is Asian Parliamentary System. This competition
consists of 3 Preliminary Rounds. In each round, the winning team will get a
victory point (VP) which will be accumulated with the score obtained. The
points they get will determine which teams will advance to the next round,
until remaining 2 teams will meet in the final round. The objectives of this
contest are to develop a critical mindset, sharpen knowledge in various
aspects, build confidence for public speaking, and raise the spirit to compete
Judges :
ü Muhammad Lutfi
- (President SEF ITB 2014)
- Champion of ESDPC 2014 Unika Semarang, NUDC
Kopertis IV 2014
- Octofinalist UADC 2014, Singapore
- Adjudication core of NDC-NES 2014
- Student exchange AFS-YES to Minnesota, USA
ü Azzahra M. H. (English Debating Club UNTIRTA)
-2nd best speaker and
champion of BLANCON UIN 2013
- C National accreditation in ALSA UI 2014
- Language Ambassador of Banten Province 2013
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