1. Logic Think / Critical Thinking
2. English Language
3. Argument
4. Essay
we already acumulate the score then we count the average score from all. people who get at least 55 deserve to be an EDC member, but we have another qualification, its who have a good essay. based on those criteria and standard we already found the new EDC's member here the people who passed the test :
No. | Name | Department | Score |
1 | Syifa Khairunnisa | Eng. Department | 72 |
2 | Andrizal | Akuntansi | 71 |
3 | Nurul Hidayah | Eng. Department | 69 |
4 | Nita Fadilah | Eng. Department | 68.5 |
5 | Siti Rahmawati | Eng. Department | 67.5 |
6 | Sri Wahyuni | Eng. Department | 66.5 |
7 | Novia Anggraeni | Eng. Department | 66.5 |
8 | Nur Afni Fatimiah | Eng. Department | 66.5 |
9 | Nurul Fitri | Eng. Department | 66 |
10 | Desi Aulia | Ilkom | 65.5 |
11 | Maria Goldiana Taping | Eng. Department | 65 |
12 | Nur Afni Aulia | Ane | 65 |
13 | Galih Arya Kusuma | Akuntansi | 62.5 |
14 | Wina Afrilia | Eng. Department | 62 |
15 | Shinta Sartika | Eng. Department | 61.5 |
16 | Elisabeth Maria | Ekbang | 61 |
17 | Ade Putri | Hukum | 60 |
18 | Ema Aswarini | Agribisnis | 59.5 |
19 | Dede Rohmawati | PLS | 59.5 |
20 | Rien Reka | Ilkom | 59.5 |
21 | Novandra Muhamaddin | Akuntansi | 58.5 |
22 | M. Dhuhri Angga | Akuntansi | 58.5 |
23 | Akun Tanjung | Ane | 58 |
24 | Lila Lolita | Akuntansi | 58 |
25 | Amalia Chaerunnisa | Ane | 58 |
26 | Neng Ariyanti | Eng. Department | 57 |
27 | Vency Nesia Nierwan | Akuntansi | 56.5 |
28 | Yasinta B | Akuntansi | 56.5 |
29 | Lilian Oktaviani | Eng. Department | 56.5 |
30 | Kiki Ayuni | Agribisnis | 56 |
31 | Vivit Fitra | Diksat | 56 |
32 | Ahmad Wijaya | Akuntansi | 55.5 |
33 | Qory Nur F | Perpajakan | 55.5 |
34 | Ahmad Fajri Syifaul | Manajemen | 54 |
35 | M. Ariff Winarto | Agribisnis | 52 |
For people who get below 55 but still passed it's because their essay is the best essay from all of people who can't passed, so welcome in EDC hope you doing your best in EDC and can appreciate your effort to be an EDC member, be bright in edc, then consistent till the end :D Congratulation~
Sincerely: Admin ~
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