EDCC our event was succeed

hello people how are you? so thanks to god because we already succeed held this event, there's so much experience and also happiness that exist. firstly when we gave prepared motion to participant and then they really excited to search the matter, here's the prepare motion :
1. THW replace religion subject with ethnics class in school
2. THW impose virginity test as though requirement to enroll high school
3. THBT media is more powerful than government
4. THBT it is legitimize for government to deliberately lie to their citizen in times of war
5. THW protect the right of smokers

with the cool participant from every department in UNTIRTA university like Mathematics, Biology, Accounting, Management 1, Management 2, English 1, English 2, Economic Development, Accounting of vocation, Industry Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, PGSD, Diksatrasia, Public administration, Agribusiness, etc. with the invited adj Gilang (UNSOED) and Egi (UNJ).

it was so interesting when every department gave their max effort in this competition.
with the hard process finally the best department that can proceed in grand final is English Dept, Economic Development, Accounting, and Management 1 with the motion TH as indonesian government should legalize different religion marriage. and then the winner potition is Acounting as Champion, Economic Development as runner up and English dept. as 2nd runner up. the first best speaker is Azzahra Mustika Herlambang from Accounting.

Top ten best speaker from Accounting, English Dept, Economic Development, Mathematics, Law and Management 1

champion, runner up and 2nd runner up with Rektorat and EDC president

see you in the next year EDCC ~ :)

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Our First National Trophy

Hi people, how are you? :) on 2 December EDC UNTIRTA joined in BLANCON, it's debate national competition that already held by UIN Jakarta. That's really interesting event in 3 days from 2 december until 4 december with awesome closing ceremony. But actually it's not just about awesome closing ceremony it's about edc's participant process to be champion in this competition. We joined this as UNTIRTA A and UNTIRTA B. There's 2 team delegation for this competition, with asian system. 

UNTIRTA B in preliminary round

and then UNTIRTA A and UNTIRTA B succeed to proceed until semi final. then in semi final is really amazing part when UNTIRTA A and UNTIRTA B met and compete for grand final round. It such kind a civil war -___- then forget it, the result is UNTIRTA B succeed to proceed in grand final round. We don't hate each other we support each other in grand final round, the important thing in there is EDC can present our first national trophy to our beloved university.

In final UNTIRTA B vs UIN Sunan Kalijaga with the motion is THBT obama should grant edward snowden amnesty from all charges. And finally the champion trophy is belongs to UNTIRTA B. Congratilation guys~

 Life is about competition~

UNTIRTA A& UNTIRTA B as champion and EDC's president Rezza Dwi B


semi finalist UNTIRTA A and B, UIN Sunan Kalijaga, UIN Cirebon

UNTIRTA A and Adj Algi from UNSOED


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EDCC (English Debating Club Championship)

so guys, have you join in our event on 7-9 december? ok now i will socialize about system that will be apply in our event, thats british parliamentary style (BP style). British Parliamentary Debate is an debate done on the spot. This article will cover how to debate in this style and provide some useful tips. 

Here's the steps:

  1.  Organize four team of two people
  2.  Decide which teams gets to get to pick whether it will choose the topic first or the side to argue for. This is generally done by a coin toss and the winner will get preference over choosing the topic or the side. There are two government teams and two opposition teams. You will be versing not only your side's opposition, but also the other government team.
  3. There are generally 3 topics and 2 sides. The topics are random and the sides are called "government" and "opposition". Government is supporting the topic given and opposition is opposing it. The topic will always request government to argue for achange (argue to change something that currently exists), while opposition will argue against the change. There are two teams for government, and there are two teams for opposition.
  4. You and a partner receive your topic around 10 minutes before the debate begins. You have these few minutes to prepare your speeches.
  5. Points of information can be given to the opposing side when they are speaking. This is in the form of a question, and cannot last more than 15 seconds.
  6. For every debate, the first and last minute are protected time, where you cannot make any Points of Information.
  7. First the opening sides debate. There will be two opening teams - the Opening Government and the Opening Opposition.
  8. One person on side government, called the Prime Minister, speaks first. S/he must define every important term in the topic. S/he must define them carefully, because should s/he introduce fail to do so, side opposition may define those terms in any way that best suits it. (i.e., define the house, define the meaning of the resolution, etc.) Next, the Prime Minister will introduce any contentions (points you wish to use to prove your case) s/he wishes to do. It is imperative that the Prime Minister sets a clear and narrow resolution so that the debate is focused and no too broad. The time limit is generally 5 minutes.
  9. One person on side opposition, called the Leader of the Opposition, speaks next. S/he must refute (prove incorrect) every contention the Prime Minister just made and introduce any contentions s/he wishes to do so. The time limit is generally 5 minutes.
  10. One person on side government, called the Deputy Prime Minister, speaks next. S/he must refute every contention the Member of the Opposition just introduced, rebuild (re-prove) the Prime Minister's contentions and introduce any additional contentions s/he wishes to introduce. The time limit is generally 5 minutes until 7,20 minutes
  11. One person on side opposition, called the Deputy Leader of the Opposition, speaks next. S/he must refute every contention of side government, rebuild all of side opposition's contentions and introduce any additional contentions s/he wishes to add. Sometimes, it may be against the rules to introduce new contentions in this speech in the last [enter amount here] minutes of the speech. It is also, generally, a good idea to summarize all the points of the opening opposition (the Leader of Opposition and his own points) in this speech, as the Leader of the Opposition is the last person of his side to speak. The time limit is generally until 7,20 minutes.
  12. The closing sides now debate.
  13. The Member of Government now speaks. S/he must present an extension to the debate that was done by the opening sides. That is to say, S/he must open a new side about the issue. This is 7,20 minutes.
  14. The Member of Opposition now speaks. S/he was to refute the points of the Member of Government, as well as bring in another extension. This is 7,20 minutes.
  15. The Government Whip speaks. S/he is to refute the points of the Member of Opposition. Then, s/he has to sum up the debate and crystallize it to some main points. This speaker may not bring in ANY new points/extensions/case studies. This is 7,20 minutes.
  16. The Opposition Whip is the last speaker in the debate. S/he will refute, but may not introduce new contentions. Lastly, s/he should summarize all the contentions made by his/her side and possibly provide mention what the debate wasmainly about. S/he was to do the same thing as the Government Whip. This is 7,20 minutes.

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Placement Test Result

Thanks all of the participant who interested to join EDC and follow all of the procedure to be an EDC member, here the criteria that already considered by the commitee of placement test that already decided the result:
1. Logic Think / Critical Thinking
2. English Language
3. Argument
4. Essay

we already acumulate the score then we count the average score from all. people who get at least 55 deserve to be an EDC member, but we  have another qualification, its who have a good essay. based on those criteria and standard we already found the new EDC's member here the people who passed the test :

No. Name Department Score
1 Syifa Khairunnisa Eng. Department 72
2 Andrizal Akuntansi 71
3 Nurul Hidayah Eng. Department 69
4 Nita Fadilah Eng. Department 68.5
5 Siti Rahmawati Eng. Department 67.5
6 Sri Wahyuni Eng. Department 66.5
7 Novia Anggraeni Eng. Department 66.5
8 Nur Afni Fatimiah Eng. Department 66.5
9 Nurul Fitri Eng. Department 66
10 Desi Aulia Ilkom 65.5
11 Maria Goldiana Taping Eng. Department 65
12 Nur Afni Aulia Ane 65
13 Galih Arya Kusuma Akuntansi 62.5
14 Wina Afrilia Eng. Department 62
15 Shinta Sartika Eng. Department 61.5
16 Elisabeth Maria Ekbang 61
17 Ade Putri Hukum 60
18 Ema Aswarini Agribisnis 59.5
19 Dede Rohmawati PLS 59.5
20 Rien Reka Ilkom 59.5
21 Novandra Muhamaddin Akuntansi 58.5
22 M. Dhuhri Angga Akuntansi 58.5
23 Akun Tanjung Ane 58
24 Lila Lolita Akuntansi 58
25 Amalia Chaerunnisa Ane 58
26 Neng Ariyanti Eng. Department 57
27 Vency Nesia Nierwan Akuntansi 56.5
28 Yasinta B Akuntansi 56.5
29 Lilian Oktaviani Eng. Department 56.5
30 Kiki Ayuni Agribisnis 56
31 Vivit Fitra Diksat 56
32 Ahmad Wijaya Akuntansi 55.5
33 Qory Nur F Perpajakan 55.5
34 Ahmad Fajri Syifaul Manajemen 54
35 M. Ariff Winarto Agribisnis 52

For people who get below 55 but still passed it's because their essay is the best essay from all of people who can't passed, so welcome in EDC hope you doing your best in EDC and can appreciate your effort to be an EDC member, be bright in edc, then consistent till the end :D Congratulation~

Sincerely: Admin ~

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Monthly Intercomp

On 7 oct we was held a monthly intercomp. this is the first our monthly intercomp but it was run succeed. we run 3 round in this intercomp, the first and second round is preliminary and the last round is the final round. In the first round we got this motion THBT  US should fund third world country for moving their citizen to mars. this motion is so complicated when the aff team said that US should fund because the damage on earth the most is caused by US company in every country ex: freeport in indonesia, exxon mobil etc that support an major environmental damage ex : global warming, etc. but the negative team said that this damage is caused by collective, we can't put US as the one country that should fund third word to moving their citizen to mars.

and then in the next round we got a motion THBT obama should lose nobel peace prize. this motion is also complicated to explain while the aff team said that yes obama should lose the nobel peace prize because he not include again in the criteria to be a person that should get nobel peace prize ex: obama attack syirian people with war and it will create third world war because behind the syiria case there's china and russia and then the negative said that no obama shouldn't lose his nobel peace prize because there's a soft way and hard way to maintance a conflict in this world the soft way is with diplomacy and the hard way is attack the problem in a conflict area with war and then maintain a peace can't be achieve with one person, he need another stakeholder to achive that purpose.

and the motion for final round is THW give death penalty to the highest corruption cases of the highest judges, governtment official and parliamentary members in indonesia.
it was an amazing motion in final round while the aff team tend to explained us about the mechanism how to give the death penalty it's self ex: directly shoot in their head, "so they can directly go to hell" said mr. muriece xixixxixi and also tend about deterrent effect that should be exist when this motion implement and then the negative team tend brought about the right of the corruptor it's self while they are gave a criteria of someone who deserve to get death penalty and tried to explain why  highest judges, governtment official and parliamentary not deserve to get death penalty.

so with a long long looooooooooong explanation from 8:00 pm until 4:00 pm we got the winner and best speaker here's jreeeeeeeeng jreeeeeeeeeeeeeng

the winner of 1st monthly intercomp ms Firdha and ms Rika :D
she is the best speaker on our 1st monthly intercomp ms Firdfha :D

finalist of 1st monthly intercomp :D

what are you doing sir? wkwkwkwk
ms ipeh as an adjudicator in that monthly intercomp :D she was graduated from our university then got SH (sarjana hukum) xixixi congratulation mam :D 

it was soooo great day.. hahaha see you in the next monthly intercomp ~

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